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Stand Guidelines for Shell Scheme & Pavilion Stands


Shell Scheme Stands

Please see the Shell Scheme Specification for full details on what is included in your stand package. Anything you require in additon to this, must be ordered through the official contractors. 

Contact the Organiser if you have any queries.

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Pavilion Stands

Pavilion stands are show ready options. You will be contacted by the operations team who will outline exactly what is included in your pavilion package and should you wish to add anything you need to liaise directly with that contact and our Official Contractors.

Contact the Organiser if you have any queries.

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Exhibition General Information & Regulations


The Business Centre, located on the 3rd floor of the convention centre, offers a wide range of secretarial services.

Operation Hours and Contact Information
Hours:                         Monday - Friday, 8.00am - 6.00pm / Saturday - Sunday/Public Holiday, 8.00am - 5.00pm
Phone Number:          +65 6688 3088
Fax Number:               +65 6688 3089

Any persons, on seeing an outbreak of fire, however slight, must make immediate use of the fire alarm system and subsequently endeavour to extinguish the outbreak or confine it by the use of extinguishers and/or remove all items in that vicinity.

Exhibitors, who, because of the nature of their exhibits, require a special type of fire extinguisher, must make arrangements, at their own expense, for the provision of such equipment. The Organiser will assist and advise, if required.

The standard regulations and practice forbid the consumption of any food and beverages not purchased from an outlet within the venue premise. Any exception must be approved in writing. Failure to comply will result in a corkage fee in addition to any other damages to which the venue owner, Marina Bay Sands, may be entitled.

There will be a food & beverage concession stand, operated by Marina Bay Sands, located within the exhibition hall.

Stand catering is available from Marina Bay Sands and orders must be made at least twenty-one (21) days in advance to benefit from the advance rate and to avoid any inconvenience.

Marina Bay Sands – Attn: Banquet Operations
10 Bayfront Avenue
Singapore 018956
Tel: +65 6688 8570

For further information regarding Shipping Guidelines & Handling Tariff, please click HERE or contact KN Expo + Events Singapore at the following:

KN Expo + Events Singapore
T: +(65) 9690 1569

All consignments MUST NOT arrive after the below deadlines. Copies of commercial invoice, packing list, Bill of Lading and Airwaybill must be provided to us 1 week before consignments arrive in Singapore.

- Sea freight                          2-4 April 2025
- Air freight / courier            8-9 April 2025

Consignment Instruction
All cargo forwarded to Singapore by Sea, Air or Courier must be consigned on a “FREIGHT PREPAID” basis to:


c/o KN Expo + Events Singapore

10 Pioneer Crescent,

Singapore Logistics Hub,

Singapore 628566

For Exhibition: Business Travel Show Asia Pacific 2025
Notify: Exhibitor Name and Hall/Booth number


For shipments handled by your own appointed forwarder (i.e. other than KN Expo + Events), please ensure that they are consigned to your appointed forwarder.


General Hall Lighting: High Bay lights designed with average of 300lux
Ceiling Height: 9.45m (max hanging height is 7.45m)
Column size: 1.6m x 1.6m
Floor Loading: 12 KN / m²
Floor Finish: Concrete floor with hardening
Freight Entrance: 1 no. Air Wall Partition
Freight Door Dimensions: Roller Shutter 9.5m(W) X 4.2m(H)
Freight Elevators Door Clear Opening Size: 3m(W) X 3.5m(H)
Air Conditioning: Standard (when provided): 23°C (+ / 1°C), 55% RH (+ / ‐ 5%)

During the build-up and tear-down days of the Exhibition, the aisles of the Hall must not be obstructed with packing and construction materials or debris.

The Organiser will only arrange for the general cleaning of the Exhibition Hall and stands during the Show days. This only includes cleaning of carpet/flooring and rubbish disposal before the Exhibition opens in the morning and after the Exhibition closes in the evening. It excludes cleaning of exhibits and displays.

Exhibitors are responsible for maintaining their own stand in a tidy condition at all times. Exhibitors with lockable offices are requested to place refuse outside their stand before departure each evening, for disposal. Exhibitors may contact Sands Expo Convention Centre for quotation, should additional cleaning services be required.

At the end of the Exhibition, exhibitors must remove from the site all the materials such as cartons, marketing materials etc by the respective timings stated in the “Exhibition Timetable”. Should they fail to do so, a cleaning fee will be charged.

The Organiser reserves the right to charge the Exhibitor concerned for the removal of excessive waste (e.g crates/pallets, cartons, packing materials or literature).

General Security
The Organiser has engaged security service to ensure the safety of all exhibits. Nevertheless, exhibitors must arrange their own insurance to cover all stages of the exhibition and be particularly careful to pack all items/exhibits immediately after the exhibition closes on the last day of the exhibition. For security reasons, small, portable, and valuable exhibits/products/display items should be brought into the Exhibition Halls closer to the Exhibition opening days and stored away securely at night.

It is strongly recommended that at least one representative is at your stand to supervise all deliveries; packing and unpacking; installing and dismantling until hand-over to your nominated agent. Exhibitors are advised that rented furniture will be collected when the exhibition closes; therefore drawers, cupboards, storerooms etc should be emptied and contents packed away.

The Organiser will not accept responsibility for theft, loss or damage of exhibits, stores or any other equipment belonging to Exhibitors, contractors, or visitors. Exhibitors who require special individual security at their stand may contact the Official Security Agency for a quotation. Please note that ONLY the Official Security Agency can provide this service.

Security Procedures
The following security measures will be taken during build-up, exhibition and tear-down period:
- The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone without having to assign any reason whatsoever.
- Persons below 18 years of age are not allowed to use Exhibitors Passes, nor will they be admitted. This ruling will also be enforced during the build-up and tear-down days.
- The Organiser reserves all rights to conduct random identification & security checks for all personnel, including exhibitors, visitors and contractors.
- Movement in and out of the exhibition halls will be restricted to designated control points and this includes freight movement.
- Delivery personnel may be issued with Temporary Pass upon submission of valid delivery order and proof of identification. Any loss of the Temporary Pass will incur a fee of S$20 per pass. Any lost passes must be returned if found, any misuse of passes are strictly forbidden.
- Pass holders must ensure that their passes are worn at the point of entry, and at all times within the halls. It is strictly prohibited to allow their passes to be worn by anybody else at all times. Any failure is likely to lead to the pass holder and the person wearing the pass being removed.

Sound levels must be set at a level which cause no interference with or annoyance to other exhibitors, or no more than 75db. The Organiser reserves the right to reduce the sound level or restrict or switch off any audio/visual displays which cause complaints and the Organiser's decision is final if such a dispute arises.

he Organiser is unable to provide in-hall storage facilities for packing cases, surplus materials or other property of the exhibitor. Direct arrangements should be made with KN Epo + Events, our Official Freight Forwarder for any storage requirement. Otherwise, exhibitors and/or their agents, vendors as well as contractors must arrange for their items to be transported back to their own premises. Exhibitors are strictly not allowed to store any items within the exhibition halls which include gangways and rear stand alleys.

The Organiser reserves all rights to remove and dispose of any carton, cases and/or packing materials left in the exhibition hall without consent. Any costs incurred for the removal and disposal will be borne by the exhibitor. The Fire Safety Bureau (FSB) regulations prohibit surplus stores being placed behind perimeter stands and service access areas, other than equipment needed to run the Exhibition, and those provided by the Official Contractor.

Exhibitors wishing to store empty packing cases for the duration of the exhibition should contact KN Expo + Events directly for a quotation:

KN Expo + Events Singapore
T: +(65) 9690 1569

By utilising the storage offered through the official contractor this will help speed up the breakdown procedure.  Schenker will be able to deliver the empty packing cases to your stand before your own vehicle may have gained access to loading area, thus enabling you to continue packing goods and be ready for loading as soon as your vehicle arrives.

On no account should exhibitors store product or empty packing cases behind their stands as this presents a fire risk.Offending items are liable to be removed and destroyed without warning.All product storage, for the duration of the show, should be contained within the stand area.Alternatively, exhibitors can re-stock their stand each morning between 0800 and 0900hrs.

Please note that the Organiser are NOT able to provide accessible product storage for the open period of the exhibition.

It is strongly advisable that all participants check with their local Singapore Consulate, Embassies or High Commission, for up-to-date clarification and requirement prior to arriving in Singapore. Please refer to the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoint Authority website for more detailed information on visa application requirement. Requirement may be reviewed from time to time. For more information or updates, please contact:

Visitor Services Immigration & Checkpoint Authority
T: +65 6391 6100

Exhibitors are to ensure that all their staff as well as their stand contractors adhere to the stipulated health and safety guidelines. Please click HERE to view Marina Bay Sands Workplace Safety & Health and Fire Safety Induction.

- Exhibitors, their agents and their appointed contractors shall be responsible for
- The stands designed to be fit for the purpose intended, structurally sound & safe to build, use & demount without any undue risk.
- Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used on site, during build-up and tear-down duration and it must be of OSHA standard or compatible standards.
- They must also ensure that all workers undergo the Safety Orientation Course organized by Ministry of Manpower and continuously monitor and enforce the use of PPE. Personnel without putting on high visibility vest & covered shoes during the said period will be denied entry for safety reasons.
- Proper housekeeping is carried out throughout the build-up and tear-down duration. This includes regular equipment maintenance, storing of un-used tools and to conduct general cleaning of all work areas before the end of each day.
- All workers engage in safe manual handling practices. Some of these include assessing the object’s weight and note of any sharp edges, planning a clear safe route and to get someone to help if necessary and/or use mechanical aids such as a trolley.
- All the control measures identified in risk assessment are being implemented and is responsible for continual observational safety checks of their work operations and to enforce the safe work procedures if any unsafe acts or conditions are identified.

The Organiser and/or venue owner reserve the absolute and final rights to take actions against WSH violators. A stop work order will be issued depending on the severity of the violations.

Electronics, Radio & Satellite Transmissions / Broadcasts
Any exhibitor or contractor wishing to use receiving or transmitting devices must be in possession of the required valid licences and/or permits issued from the respective Singapore Government Authorities before using such frequencies for their electronic or radio equipment and/or satellite dish. All applications are to be submitted to the following bodies:-

Importation of Communications Equipment / Satellite Dish & Voice / Data Transmission
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
Licence & Enforcement Department
10 Pasir Panjang Road #03-01 Mapletree Business City, Singapore 117438
Tel: (65) 6377 3800 Fax: (65) 6659 2503 URL:

Reception (Image) of Satellite Broadcast
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) issues temporary TVRO (Television Receive-Only) System licences for organisations who need to receive one-off satellite broadcasts for business purposes.

Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
Policy & Planning Division
10 Pasir Panjang Road #03-01 Mapletree Business City, Singapore 117438
Tel: (65) 6377 3800 Fax: (65) 6659 2503 URL: 

Please note that all costs incurred in the applications must be borne by the Exhibitor concerned and is subject to approval.

Film & Audio / Visual Demonstration / Censorship / Copyright

Videos for Exhibition purposes may be exempted from censorship by the Board of Film Censors (subject to approval, at the Board’s discretion).

To apply for exemption, a copy of the exhibit catalogue/brochures with the full specifications, together with the full details of the intended demonstration are requirement to apply for the permits with IMDA. If you need further information, kindly contact the Official Freight Forwarder, Schenker.

Further clarification on censorship exemption can be obtained from:

Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
Content Standards & Classification Division
10 Pasir Panjang Road #03-01 Mapletree Business City, Singapore 117438
Tel: (65) 6377 3800 Fax: (65) 6659 2503 URL:

b) Copyright
Exhibitors who wish to utilise audio and/or visual aids in the Exhibition in relation to the sound tracks of videos and music being played must ensure that their use will not infringe the copyrights of others. Exhibitors are advised to contact the following organisation regarding the procedures for application of a "Copyright Music Licence":

60 Paya Lebar Road, #12-48 Paya Lebar Square, Singapore 409051
Tel: (65) 6323 6630 Fax: (65) 6323 6639 URL:  

4 Leng Kee Road, #03-07 SiS Building, Singapore 159088
Tel: (65) 6220 4166 Fax: (65) 6220 9452 URL:

Shell Scheme & Pavilion Stand Regulations 

The regulations below are supported by and should be followed in conjunction with exhibitor manual.

Please direct any queries regarding our build regulations and what we require to the Organiser

  • The facia boards must remain on display on the stand.
  • All electrical works must be carried out by the Organiser’s Official Contractor, Sunyau Expo Pte Ltd (
  • Only Organiser’s Official Freight Forwarder, KN Expo & Events, can operation fork lifts onsite. If you require these services please contact KN Expo & Events at
  • Nothing on your stand should be higher than the frame (2.47meters).
  • No part of the stand construction / display, including rotating signs, or any exhibits may protrude or project over the perimeter of the stand into the gangways or over neighbouring stands.
  • Position and permission to rig banners, trusses or inflatables will be given at the Organiser’s discretion and will be subject to submission of detailed plans with measurements.
  • Banners may not exceed 50% of the width or depth of the stand, they should not exceed 6m in height and in the case of stands that are not an island site they must be centred to the stand depth.
  • Where two or more exhibitors sharing a block intend to rig, each party will be informed. Plans will not be shared but the Organiser will facilitate a joint conversation to ensure both parties’ requirements are met, and to avoid any conflict of interest.
  • To rig a banner or truss above your stand, please contact Marina Bay Sands via the Rigging Order Form in the exhibitor manual accessed via the ezone. The deadline for all rigging orders is 2 April 2025, no orders will be accepted after this date.
  • All stand construction and displays must be made from fireproof materials and installed to the satisfaction of the authorities.
  • Exhibitors should have their own Public Liability Insurance coverage and be able to furnish this to the Organiser if requested.
  • Doors must not open onto gangways.
  • The Equality Act 2010 gives disabled persons rights to access goods, facilities and services. You have a duty to ensure that all persons have access to your stand. All stands must be accessible to visitors using wheelchairs.
  • Platforms must be of a strength and stability sufficient to carry and distribute the weight of stand fittings and exhibits with regard to the loading limits of the venue floor.
  • All platforms must be ramped to allow full access and egress to disabled visitors. All stand floors and platforms, regardless of height, must include suitable ramping to allow access for these visitors. The minimum width for the access ramp is 1200mm and the gradient should be no greater than 1:12.
  • Open corners of stand floors and platforms should be splayed, rounded and angled, if not protected by heavy exhibits, to avoid sharp corners and tripping hazards.
  • The means of escape from a stand must not be greater than 12m and must give an uninterrupted path to safety.
  • Any presentations / demonstrations likely to interest large groups of visitors must be located towards the centre of the stand and clearly shown on stand drawings that are submitted to the organiser for approval.
  • Should any noise producing activities be expected on your stand, during the open period, these must be highlighted in your stand plan submission. An onsite sound check will be required, during which noise levels will be agreed so that these activities do not unduly affect other exhibitors. The organiser will need to apply for a licence for any music on the stand, this will be charged to the exhibitor. Without notification to the organiser at least 28 days prior to the event the music will not be able to go ahead.
  • Any catering facilities should be clearly marked on your plans and ordered through Marina Bay Sands catering department.
  • If you intend to do construction work onsite please be considerate to others. Please do not off-load, work or paint in other peoples’ stand areas as this can be a source of irritation to fellow exhibitors arriving to set up their stand.
  • You are responsible for the actions of any contractor you employ to work for you and will be held responsible for misconduct by them. Any damage caused by your contractors will be charged directly back to you.

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